Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dare to Be.

How can people walk through life, day to day, living at surface level. A state of ignorance, possibly denial, to reality and what truly surrounds them or lies deep within. The seemingly happy. But are they really? Question yourself, break the mold, be insightful and reflect. On experiences, opportunities, challenges, growth and be honest with yourself. If you never once look within, how do expect to grow beyond boundaries and become greater? Are you scared to peel back the layers and realize your potential? There is more to life than the box we are provided and expected to live in. Are you afraid of dipping your toe into the unknown? Then what is it all for, really. Going through the motions each day, the routine set before you. Create yourself. Be afraid. Experience loneliness. Be surrounded by love. Explore, grow, cry, hit rock bottom then pick yourself back up, teach yourself inner strength, be awake and present in the moment, smile and feel what is real, what is happiness. The opportunity to reveal your core and follow your heart, no matter the fear or struggles, will be more rewarding than any executive level position or partnership in a firm. I challenge you. Live for you. One you in this world, one life. Be extreme, live to the fullest. Change your outlook and inspire others to grow out of their shell, help and offer support, volunteer your time. Step out of the rat race and live a meaningful life. After all, happiness is a journey, there is plenty of sight seeing and worthwhile experiences along the way you may be missing out on. Trust me, it's worth the risk.

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