Sunday, August 11, 2013

Live Life Unconquered.

Life Lessons. Live in the moment. Take one day at a time. The one who, openly and willingly, stands boldly next to me through this unknown journey repeatedly asks me.. how do you eat an elephant? Where I've now learned the reply, one bite at a time. When you take a moment to step back and stare that elephant in the face an overwhelming sense comes over you, as though you may have bit off more than you can chew. There's just.. so much. How? The question arises again, what am I doing? With no direct religious perspective or underlying tone, it is almost inexplainable. Speaking purely from inner self, there is something driving me. Pushing me. Pulling me. 

No ground breaking discoveries or news over the last week regarding financial status. Still feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders although I've been reminded to celebrate the small successes, the wins.. no matter how small or large. Passing the math placement test into statistics, check. Trade in lease for a lesser payment, check. General business structure for Invictus, LLC (creating a healthier you from the inside out, through nutrition and fitness) created, check. Trademarking the slogan.. A Better You Than Yesterday. Creating a logo, the business side has endless opportunity and creation, in progress. Putting the cart in front of the horse, maybe.. but having those items in place makes for an easy transition when clients arrive. Partnering as a distributor with a premier health and wellness company offering energy, weight loss, nutrition, and sports performance products, AdvoCare, in progress. Starting ground floor at Colorado's Pro Gym part time, check. Align myself appropriately for the future, in the most strategic way possible, according to me.. which.. take it for what its worth based on recent decisions. Next stop, complete a personal training certification, provide supplemental income and help others along the way. Best of both worlds. Bottom line, good things come to those who go out and get them. While the financial burden festers I must appreciate, reflect upon and celebrate the small wins. Words of wisdom credited to Eric, who witnesses my emotion, or lack of, daily. The many who have come out of the woodwork to offer support, the unexpected or long lost friends, those near and dear who stand close, holding strong, warms my heart. I must admit it is uncomfortable to accept help from others, much like gifts.. I prefer to give rather than receive. Understanding that I cannot do this solely, that I am allowed the grace to be. To be less than strong, to be emotional, to be less than perfect. To just be. An area I must overcome and accept. Thank you all for your strength, encouragement, support and most of all, acceptance. 

School starts next week. Anxious, nervous? Absolutely. To be perfectly honest, not a clue what I'm walking into. Deep breath. One bite at a time. The second I expand the view to the large elephant in front of me I feel surrounded and drowned by the endless list of to do's, the priorities and deadlines and question of.. how. Keep smiling. Push through. Lift heavy, run long and clear your mind. Use fitness as an outlet. Every day I turn to my workouts, my passion, to somehow find release. In an out of control world, you lean on what you can control.. workouts and results of, are one. I control my destiny when I walk into the gym, or an event, it is my mind and body, my control. I can and I do. This, should be no different. I believe in me.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with challenge, it means that it is going to launch you into something great. Focus. And keep aiming.

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