Sunday, June 14, 2015
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Perfectly Imperfect...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Perfectly Imperfect...: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Perfectly Imperfect : More than an ascent to the top of a mountain. More than a 7900 foot elevation gain to r...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: 110 Floors
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: 110 Floors: A Better You Than Yesterday..: 110 Floors : The view is so clear, yet so distant. Everything below seems so minute, so insignificant. The ...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Life Unconquer...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Life Unconquer...: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Life Unconquered. : Life Lessons. Live in the moment. Take one day at a time. The one who, openly and wi...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Band Keeps Marc...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Band Keeps Marc...: A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Band Keeps Marching On.. : This is the point most would stop and question.. what am I doing? Why do I nee...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Invictus. I am.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Invictus. I am.: A Better You Than Yesterday..: Invictus. I am. : The beginning. Defining moments. The longing for a successful business career and the dista...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: I Choose.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: I Choose.: I had a transformational experience recently.. I began to look around and realize the label I had given myself, being tough. Every br...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Reflections of a Mirror
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Reflections of a Mirror: It’s human nature to be judgmental. We’ve all judged people at some point in time or another. Some of us are amazing at snappy judgments an...
Reflections of a Mirror
It’s human nature to be judgmental. We’ve all judged
people at some point in time or another. Some of us are amazing at snappy
judgments and assessing things the way we perceive them to be and not what
really is. In my earlier years, I, too, have judged unfairly despite being taught
never to judge a book by its cover. But as I’ve grown older, I find myself so
engulfed in my own world that I have no time for judgment of others, only an
understanding of self and what lies behind the mirror. Sometimes books might
have a fascinating cover but when we begin to read the book we realize that the
cover was far better than the story itself. Sometimes books have a shabby cover
but the story is so entrancing that we cannot put the book down. I stopped
judging people. I learned to see past the book cover. Understanding that
everyone has a story, get to know them better, listen to their story, or
realize it has no affect on your life so just let them live.
People don’t hear what I’m not saying. There’s a
reason I do the things I do, there’s a reason I am who I am. But I don’t have
to share the fine details of my life story or explain myself to anyone. I don’t
carry judgment about myself so it doesn’t even bother me. Don’t let people make
you feel bad or guilty for living your life. It’s YOUR life. Everyone has been
victim to unfair judgments. Most often, the people judging don’t really know
you, they don’t know what you’re about. Situations have made me change, I’ve become
wiser and stronger but the core of me is still the same. I have been judged by
people who knew nothing about me, but in their heads they knew exactly what I
was. What they based their judgments on is simply what they perceived from the
basis of their own world. However, it made me realize that sometimes people
will just see what they want to see and not what really is. They’ll believe
exactly what they want to believe while they reside in their pseudo worlds.
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would
judge you? Follow your own unique path. Every day is a chance to change your
life. Work on you. Work on making life all that you want it to be. Work hard for what you believe, and keep your dreams big and
your worries small. You never need to carry more than you can hold, just
take it one day at a time. And while you’re out there making decisions
instead of excuses, learning new things, and getting closer and closer to your
goals, know that there are others out there who admire your efforts and are
striving for greatness too. When you focus on yourself, there is not time or
place for the judgment of others.
People don’t know your story, and you don’t know
theirs. Rise above a life full of judgment, live your life and allow others to
live theirs. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even if it’s wrong. We
have a prerogative to just ignore their thoughts especially when we know the
truth. It doesn’t matter what the story is, it isn’t up to us to pass judgment
on anyone. Every person you meet has something special to give you, if you are
open to receiving it. Each
encounter offers you the gift of greater self-awareness by illustrating what
you do and don’t accept about yourself. An honest look will show you that the
reactions you have to others give you more information about yourself than
about them. You can never know for sure
what motivates other people. But you can learn what you are accepting or
judging in yourself. When you use your judgment of others as a mirror to
show you the workings of your own mind, every person’s reflection can become a
valuable gift.
Everything you need to break unhealthy cycles is
within you.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I Choose.
I had a
transformational experience recently..
I began to look around
and realize the label I had given myself, being tough. Every breath I live is
by being tough, in everything I am, everything I do and every decision I place
in front of me.. I choose the challenging road only in order to fulfill this
label, to be tough. But, is the payback really worth it?
I was defining myself
by what I did, how I did it, not who I really was.
The label helps to the
extent that it gives an identity that informs my choices and invites my surroundings.
Yet, I couldn’t help but notice that it also gave me limits and sets me firmly
in the center of a vortex, where I was in and others were out.
Being a fighter, an
achiever, is an integral part of my identity. Yet, after a while, it started to
become confining. Your strong suits are not only what create your success, but
they’re also your prison cell, too.
With these
realizations, I began to unravel and dissolve this need to choose being tough
and allow for vulnerability at times. I began to realize that I was being held
hostage. By myself.
I have started to peel
away the hardened layers that I have built and began to allow the light that
lived beneath to come out, intuiting my way back to the sacredness and
simpleness of who I am.
I traded choosing the
road less traveled, when unnecessary, for the path right in front of me. I
traded being tough on myself for giving myself grace. I traded the required
instinct to be tough for the choice to be vulnerable. I traded only seeing
success when I overcame a tough situation to accepting success in everyday
I quit judging myself
for falling short when I wasn’t being tough, and started understanding that vulnerability
fills you with something special, that the confinement of your prison cell can steal
from you. The joy of life, living, freedom, choice.
I thought that in
order to be strong and powerful I had to be tough and put up a good fight,
putting up protective layers of resistance. Ironically, in an effort to be
strong, I was giving up my power.
Because, you see, when
you decide to no longer be a person defined by all the conscious and mindful
choices you make, you gain something remarkable.
You gain access back
to your intuition that can only get lost when you are always trying to lead the
You gain access to the
ability to stand with the shadow parts of yourself, instead of running away from them.
You gain access back
to presence and the ability to be in the moment, in the joy of experiencing the
moments in front of you, without worrying if you are somehow failing yourself.
You gain an
understanding that these things that you are labeled by are choices, not
Monday, April 13, 2015
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Invictus. I am.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Invictus. I am.: The beginning. Defining moments. The longing for a successful business career and the distant, windy road to get there.. the wrong turns, t...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Band Keeps Marching On..
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Band Keeps Marching On..: This is the point most would stop and question.. what am I doing? Why do I need to be this person, why do I need to step out of normalcy and...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Life Unconquered.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Life Unconquered.: Life Lessons. Live in the moment. Take one day at a time. The one who, openly and willingly, stands boldly next to me through this unknown j...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: 110 Floors
A Better You Than Yesterday..: 110 Floors: The view is so clear, yet so distant. Everything below seems so minute, so insignificant. The reality is the higher you are, t...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Perfectly Imperfect
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Perfectly Imperfect: More than an ascent to the top of a mountain. More than a 7900 foot elevation gain to reach the summit at 14110 feet. This was the Pikes Pea...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Organized Chaos
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Organized Chaos: Deflated. Giving 110% in each aspect of life only to realize that my best just isn't good enough. Not at that moment it wasn't. A ...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Daily Love, Deeper Thoughts
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Daily Love, Deeper Thoughts: You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. Control your mind and conquer your fear. Your summary of life should not contain any ...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear.: 'Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.' ~ Henry Van Dyke Many spend ...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Carry On, Warrior.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Carry On, Warrior.: Traveling on a road despite the uncertainty existing around me. In my journey over the last several months of trying to f...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Lost and Found
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Lost and Found: You are not meant to live anyone else’s life. Why would you want to anyway when you can live your very own? This is wh...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Manifest Positivity
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Manifest Positivity: When something negative happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you....
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Impossible is an Opinion.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Impossible is an Opinion.: Fear directly coincides with my decision to live a more purposeful and spiritually centered life. I embarked upon this journey...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Dare to Be.
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Dare to Be.: How can people walk through life, day to day, living at surface level. A state of ignorance, possibly denial, to reality and what truly surr...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Throne of Grace
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Throne of Grace: 'True happiness means forging a strong spirit that is undefeated, no matter how trying our circumstances.' ~ Dais...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Throne of Grace
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Throne of Grace: 'True happiness means forging a strong spirit that is undefeated, no matter how trying our circumstances.' ~ Dais...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Bigger Picture
A Better You Than Yesterday..: The Bigger Picture: You can't sculpt a pebble. Bodybuilding (previously bikini division, now on to my first figure competition) is your fight with yourself...
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Out Loud
A Better You Than Yesterday..: Live Out Loud: The biggest mistake we can make in life is being afraid of living. The worst thing we can do to ourselves is be afraid to accept a challenge...
Live Out Loud
The biggest mistake we can make in life is being afraid of living.
The worst thing we can do to ourselves is be afraid to accept a challenge, to push ourselves, to join the struggle to be a better person. The worst thing we can do is let our fear overcome our desire to live our life fully and completely.
Being afraid is common. Fighting against the things you want and the people who make you better is easy, because it's comfortable in the middle of perfection and failure. It is scary to fight your entire life for something, to spend every day struggling and striving for a goal, and then realize that you are going to accomplish it. It is scary to live, and to do, so deliberately and honestly and with an open mind and heart. But, not living that way is a waste of life.
I would rather live a life of purpose and strive for the unreasonable, with goals, challenges, and happiness, then spend my whole life sitting comfortably in a spot that gives me no joy.
The real joy in life is found in overcoming the challenges, when the impossible becomes possible. The real joy comes when you fight long enough for something that you get it. The real joy comes in being afraid and allowing that fear to provoke you into creating the best moments and experiences of your life.
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Don't let today's disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow's dreams.
I lost my first boxing match recently. I have always had a love for boxing as a sport. Getting in the ring was a personal goal, the level of conditioning required, the mastery of skill, the beautiful technique and most of all, the mental fortitude and emotional capacity necessary. I lost. But, I chose to get back up and fight again.
No one can instill the mental toughness and work ethic required to become a champion in any aspect of life. You have to dig deep within you and find the drive, find those qualities, on your own. Believe in yourself, even when it seems nobody else does. There is no luck involved, hard work spotlights character.
Although, the first question I received from most was, did you win? As though winning is a tell all, a defining moment of you as a person, your ability, your strength. Never mind the journey behind it. My response was simple, I lost. And it has been interesting as I watch the expressions and hear this perception of loss from others. I remained quiet and allowed them to soak in their idea of loss and absorb the emotions it provided them. And never once did any ask what I felt, or thought, about it. Through their filter, they thought they already knew.
I choose a lifestyle that supports my vision. I choose that I am a better person, with or without the label of a win or lose, in any physical goal or competition and in every area of my life. If you think you’ve failed at the things you’ve set out to accomplish, I challenge you to look at it from a different perspective. This is about who you want to be, and your purpose, it is about taking action in your life. My purpose? To inspire and enhance the life of others. To create something bigger than me. My failures only come, if I don't try.
I don't whisper my dreams and goals. I march loudly to the beat of my own drum and shout them to the world. If others see me courageously pursuing my dreams, and being unreasonable in my goals, regardless of the outcome, maybe I will inspire others to pursue more of their own, too.
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