When something negative happens you have three choices. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.
It Strengthened Me.
You have to walk through the fire of grief. Through this you are created, inner strength, mental toughness, survival, and an outlook on life that nobody else can understand unless they've walked in your shoes. Positivity is my survival.
Can you believe I would never let myself cry? After deciding to walk through the fire of grief, I knew that needed to change. So I cried. It was as if each tear gave me strength. And with that strength, I blossomed.
My life was moving forward and I was choosing how. It felt wonderful. Hard. But wonderful. Strength was in the healing. An unfinished work in progress, peeling back the layers to view a raw version of self, putting the pieces back together and healing from the inside out. Be defined by how you choose to deal with the truth, rather than a contribution of ugly thoughts and negative behavior. The choice is yours, break the pattern, find your strength within.
I don’t regret my childhood experience. I don’t regret how it temporarily destroyed me either. Because without that destruction, I would have no idea today of how strong I truly am. I will survive any storm.
Sometimes a breakdown can be the best thing to happen to a person. Whether you are letting your something negative define you, destroy you, or strengthen you, remember this, pursue healing.
Rather than running away from the pain, feel it. If you’ve hit rock bottom, acknowledge it. If your something negative defines you, consider defining yourself as someone in healing instead.
No matter what season you’re in, it’s never over until it’s over. You will become a stronger and better you than yesterday because of it.